AOMSUC-11 Training
(Beijing, China, 28 to 29 October 2021)

Updated: 10 February, 2022

The Eleventh Asia-Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users Conference (AOMSUC-11) will be held in Beijing, China, 28 October-5 November 2021. This includes:

  1. The AOMSUC-11 Training Event: 28-29 October (Beijing Time, UTC+8)
    1. AOMSUC-11 Training Event Registration (closed)
    2. AOMSUC-11 Training Event Timetable and Resources (as shown below)
The Training Event has been ended. The recorded presentations shall be open for downloading later.
Agenda in PDF format (116KB)
28 October, Day 1, Thursday (Beijing Time, UTC+8)
Chair: XIAN Di (NSMC)
Facilitator: DENG Jingmian (CMATC)
8:30-9:00 Opening Ceremony
9:00-10:00 Environmental Satellites: An Observational Gateway to the Future
( MP4 [99.6MB] )
James Purdom (AOMSUC)
Recordings The WMO Space Programme activities and Current status of the new WMO Data Policy
( PPT [548MB] )
Zoya Andreeva (WMO)
VLAB Activities and Satellite Training WEN Bo, co-Chair of VLAB
10:00-10:15 Coffee Break
10:15-11:45 FENGYUN Satellite Data Services, Applications, and New Features of FY-4B and FY-3E XIAN Di CMA
11:45-12:45 Lunch Break
12:45-14:15 RGB imagery of Himawari-8 Taro HANDA JMA
14:30-16:00 1. Introduction of KMA’s Satellite Data Service
2. Risk Weather Analysis Using Satellite Data
3. Tropical Cyclone Analysis using GK2A Data
Tae Kyu JANG
Ok Hee KIM
Jundong PARK
16:00-16:30 Summary Session XIAN Di NSMC
29 October, Day 2, Friday (Beijing Time, UTC+8)
Chair: ZHONG Qi (CMATC), Bodo Zeschke (BOM)
Facilitator: DENG Jingmian (CMATC)
8:30-9:30 Introduction to the Application of FY4 satellite image in convective weather analysis NIU Ning (CMATC)
9:30-10:30 Application of Fengyun Meteorological satellite products in weather analysis REN Suling (NSMC)
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-11:45 An Introduction and Demonstration of the NOAA Global Flood Product William Straka (VLAB)
11:45-12:45 Applications of microwave, scatterometry and radiometers to Tropical Cyclone analysis Joe Courtney (BOM)
12:45-13:45 Lunch Break
13:45-14:45 The Satellite Methods for Tropical Cyclone Analysis SONG Wanjiao (NSMC)
14:45-15:45 Introduction to rainfall nowcasting using satellite images M. Rezza Ferdiansyah (BMKG)
15:45-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Interactive Session & RFG Group Meeting Bodo Zeschke (BOM) & GAO Hao (NSMC)
18:00-18:15 Coffee Break
18:15-19:15 Closing Ceremony
Agenda in PDF format (116KB)