Earth Radiation Measurement-I (ERM-I)


The ERM-I is a radiometer with 2 broadband channels that measure the earth-reflected solar flux and earth-emitted thermal flux over total (0.2~50μm) and short (0.2~4.3μm) broad band channels in two observing modes. The cross-track scanning mode is operated for the spatial resolution of 28km at nadir with a scanner of 2° Narrow Field of View (NFOV), while the nadir staring mode is with a nonscanner of 120° Wide Field of View (WFOV).

Satellite FY-3A , FY-3B , FY-3C 
Mission Earth radiation budget
Instrument type Tow broad-band channels radiometer
Scanning technique Scanner: Swath 2200km cross-track scanning, 151 steps
Non-scanner: 120 degree angle
Time resolution Scanner: a scan takes 4s
Non-scanner: 2 samples per second
Spatial resolution 29 km (scanner)


Channel Spectral interval Noise Equivalent Radiance Radiometric Accuracy
Short-wave 0.2~4.3 µm 0.4 W⋅m-2⋅sr-1 1%
Total radiance 0.2~50 µm 0.4 W⋅m-2⋅sr-1 0.5%

Data and Products

Satellite Instrument Datasets
FY-3C ERM-I Search
FY-3B ERM-I Search
FY-3A ERM-I Search

Calibration and Validation

ERM-I calibration and validation