TanSat (Carbon Dioxide Observation Satellite)


In order to study the global distribution of CO2, "global CO2 detection scientific test satellite" (aka TanSat) program was established by the national "863" plan.

Capable of performing scientific observations in multiple ways.

Data validation by ground-based CO2 monitoring.

Orbit Sun-synchronous
Altitude about 700 km
ECT 13:30 asc
Launch Mass 630 kg
Power 600 W


TanSat is designed to have three scientific observation modes to collect the sunlight reflected by the Earth: nadir, ocean glint and surface target. The same data sampling rate is used for the three modes. In each mode, the instrument can collect up to 20 soundings every 0.3s. The mission will regularly perform four types of calibration modes, including dark current, lamp, solar viewing for spectral and radiometric calibration. CAPI will use lunar viewing for radiometric calibration.

Picture Acronym Full name
ACGS ACGS  Atmospheric Carbon-dioxide Grating Spectroradiometer
CAPI CAPI  Cloud Aerosol Polarization Imager


Instrument Datasets
ACGS L1 dataL2L3 product
CAPI L1 dataL2L3 product


TanSat satellite

First global product (July 2017)

First global product (December 2017)