Atmospheric Carbon-dioxide Grating Spectroradiometer (ACGS)


Satellite TanSat 
Weight 180kg
Power 170W
Number of Channels 2000
Observation Mode Nadir, glint, target
Spatial Resolution 3km along track, 2km cross track

Nadir mode

Glint Mode

Target Mode


Spectral range No. of channels Spectral resolution SNR Main purpose
758~776nm 1024 0.044nm 360 @ 5.8•1019 s-1 m-2 sr-1 μm-1 O2 (Band-A)
1594~1624nm 512 0.125nm 250 @ 2.1•1019 s-1 m-2 sr-1 μm-1 CO2 (weak band)
2041~2081nm 512 0.165nm 180 @ 1.1•1019 s-1 m-2 sr-1 μm-1 CO2 (strong band)

O2 (Band-A) spectrum

CO2 (weak band) spectrum

CO2 (strong band) spectrum

O2 and CO2 spectrum of other satellites

Data and Products

Satellite Instrument Datasets
TanSat ACGS L1 dataL2L3 product

Calibration and Validation

ACGS calibration and validation