Precipitation Measurement Radar (PMR)


PMR is the key sensor on the rainfall satellite, which can provide three-dimensional structure of rainfall system such as typhoon, heavy rain and snow storm, with accurate information of precipitation strength and type by retrieving.

Satellite FY-3G 
No. Channels 2
Center frequency 13.35±0.01 GHz(Ku band), 35.55±0.01 GHz (Ka band)
Polarization mode HH
Spatial Resolution 5km @SSP


Parameter Ku band Ka band
Minimum detectable precipitation 0.5 mm/h (18dBZ) 0.2 mm/h (12dBZ)
Radiation accuracy ≤ ±0.1 dB (3σ)

Data and Products

Satellite Instrument Datasets
FY-3G PMR Search

Calibration and Validation

PMR calibration and validation