FY-3C Satellite


  • 3rd flight unit of the FY-3 series.
  • Main mission: operational meteorology.
  • Substantial contribution to ocean and ice monitoring, climate monitoring.
  • Significant contribution to atmospheric chemistry and space weather.
Orbit Sunsynchronous orbit
Altitude 836 km
ECT 10:00 desc
Dry mass 2250 kg
Power 2500 W
Launch 2013-09-23


Acronym Full name
MERSI-1  Medium Resolution Spectral Imager
VIRR  Visible and Infra-Red Radiometer
MWHS-2  Micro-Wave Humidity Sounder
MWRI-1  Micro-Wave Radiation Imager
MWTS-2  Micro-Wave Temperature Sounder
IRAS  Infra Red Atmospheric Sounder
TOU  Total Ozone Unit
SBUS  Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Sounder
SIM  Solar Irradiance Monitor
ERM  Earth Radiation Measurement
GNOS  GNSS Radio Occultation Sounder
SEM  Space Environment Monitor
