International FengYun Satellite Application Competition
Competition Details
Competition Goals

Gather global talents specializing in meteorological satellite applications and algorithms, thereby providing technological support for the global remote sensing capabilities of the FengYun satellites.

Focusing on meteorological satellite applications and targeting new digital technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence (AI).

Pool global intellectual resources, promote the application of Chinese satellite remote sensing data across all fields, and encourage international users to provide feedback on the application results of FengYun satellites.

Competition Topics

The competition intends to face FengYun meteorological satellite data sources, focusing on several challenges faced in applications, and emphasizing the combination of intelligent algorithms and imaging characteristics. Attendees should carry out automatic extraction, parameter inversion, change monitoring, trend analysis, assimilation application, etc. of target elements in remote sensing images in large-scale or complex scenes, using FengYun meteorological satellite data provided by the organizing committee, such as FY-3E, FY-3G and FY-4B, and utilizing artificial intelligence and other technologies for the competition. There are three international application tracks:

Intelligent identification, positioning, and intensity determination of tropical cyclones using FengYun meteorological satellites, as well as 24-hour path prediction applications.
Application of FengYun meteorological satellite for intelligent identification of crops, monitoring and prediction of crop growth and yield.
FengYun Meteorological satellite space weather magnetic field observation, and intelligent warning and prediction of geomagnetic storms.
On November 13, 2023 FENGYUN Satellite User Conference was opened in Xia'men, Fujian, China. During the opening ceremony, International FengYun Satellite Application Competition was launched.
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